Medicolegal Kit
The medicolegal examination is a medical examination with specimens that may be used if you decide to file a complaint with the police. The forensic kit is the tool used during the forensic examination. This kit standardizes the information collected and the samples taken to obtain objective scientific evidence.
The purpose of the samples in the kit is to find biological substances left by the sexual assailant on your body or clothing such as semen, saliva or blood. The DNA obtained from these biological substances will be used to establish the genetic profile of your abuser. The DNA profile is unique to each individual and can link a suspect to a victim.
ou can complete the forensic kit even if you do not yet know if you will file a police report. The kit will be kept for a period of 14 days at the designated center. If you decide to file a complaint, the designated center will give the kit to the investigator. The kit is then taken to the Forensic Science and Medical Laboratory where various tests are performed by specialists.
Toxicological analysis may also be performed on the blood and urine samples if you were not in a state to give consent to sexual intercourse. The various tests performed at the Forensic Science and Medical Laboratory are the subject of expert reports that are given to investigators. The forensic kit is therefore one of the pieces of evidence in the police investigation.