Here are some stereotypes and myths that we often hear. It’s time to set the record straight!
The truth is, no woman or girl asks to be sexually assaulted. Clothing, behaviour, a reputation, or a sexual past does not justify sexual violence. A person can experience sexual assault regardless of their age, physical appearance, or gendre. Inviting a person into your home does not justify sexual violence nor does behaving seductivley.
The truth is, false sexual assault reports are extremely rare. In fact, sexual assault is rarely reported. According the Statistics Canada, only 6% of sexual assault incidents and only 1% of rape incidences are reported to the police.
The truth is, not reacting may make the situation worse. Silence only gives the abuser power over the victim. The best way to put an end to sexual harassment is to clearly express non-consent.
The truth is, in 80% of cases, the victim knows their perpetrator. They may be a family member, a friend, a coworker, or even a romantic partner. The perpetrator being someone who the victim knows does not make the assault less traumatizing.
The truth is, research has been done on the profiles of sexual assault assailants. Research shows that they appear ordinary and normal. It is believed that these perpetrators sexually assault people to assert their control and power over them. Sexual assault assailants can come from all economic, ethnic, and social backgrounds. All people are capable of controlling their actions and should engage in non-violent sexual activity.